Research and Evaluation

Lawe i ka maʻalea a kūʻonoʻono—Take what is learned and make it deeper

dnhh students presenting posters

The Department of Native Hawaiian Health is one of the research leaders actively working to address and reverse health disparities among Native Hawaiians, Pacific Island Peoples, and other at-risk populations in Hawaiʻi. The Research and Evaluation division has a 15-year track record of working with grassroots communities and academic colleagues to successfully compete for grant awards from the National Institutes of Health, national health foundations, and local granting agencies. Our areas of research include epidemiological analysis, behavioral interventions, clinical trials, and epigenomic studies that examine disease mechanisms. Our goal is to prepare the next generation of health disparities researchers. The Center for Native and Pacific Health Disparities Research, our anchor research program, specifically aims to investigate cardiometabolic health disparities and includes the Ulu Network that engages 30+ community partnering organizations using CBPR approaches.

For more information on the Center for Native and Pacific Health Disparities Research, please visit our website and/or Facebook page.