
Faculty & Staff

Marjorie K. Mala Mau, M.D., M.A.C.P., F.R.C.P.

Research Division, Mau Research Program
Phone: (808) 692-1075
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Dr. Mau is the first Native Hawaiian female endocrinologist and is the Founding Chair of the Department of Native Hawaiian Health, the only clinical department in a United States-accredited medical school dedicated to indigenous health, at the University of Hawai‘i John A. Burns School of Medicine. As a highly respected physician, researcher, teacher, and mentor, Dr. Mau has left an indelible fingerprint on the lives of a new generation of students, residents, physi­cians, and researchers. Dr. Mau was selected by NIH in 2011 to be one of the Biomedical Faces of Science and has served on several NIH study sections and advisory coun­cils as well as the Council of Public Representatives, which advises the Director of NIH. Between 1998 and 2008, nearly 15% of all PubMed publications in her field cited her work. True to her sense of adventure, Dr. Mau is undertaking a second Pacific Ocean voyage as the med­ical officer aboard the Hokule‘a-a traditional Polynesian voyaging canoe that uses the ancient navigational tech­nique of wayfinding that is a living demonstration of indigenous science and discovery at its best.