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April 8, 2016

A cultural anthropologist and professor of medicine Gregory G. Maskarinec Visits Uzbekistan

Gregory G. Maskarinec, PhD, a cultural anthropologist and professor of medicine who teaches in the Departments of Native Hawaiian Health and Family Medicine and Community Health at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i, visited Uzbekistan from March 10-17 to give a series of lectures at five Uzbek medical institutions. He spoke to audiences of students, faculty and administrators at the Tashkent Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases, the Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, the Tashkent Medical Academy, the Bukhara State Medical Institute, and the Samarkand State Medical Institute. His lectures focused on two principles of social justice in medicine: that health is a basic human right, and that gross inequalities in health care are morally, ethically, socially and economically unacceptable. VIEW THE ENTIRE ARTICLE