

December 1, 2014

Guest Editor’s Message – Advancing Native Health and Wellness

Marjorie K. Leimomi Mala Mau, MD, MS, FACP, Editor for Special Issue He Huliau 2012; Mariana Gerschenson, PhD, Co-Editor; Cecilia M. Shikuma, MD; Deborah Taira Juarez, ScD, and Kimberley K. Spencer-Tolentino, Coordinator

Hawaii Journal of Medicine & Public Health

It’s our pleasure to invite the Hawai‘i Journal of Medicine and Public Health (HJMPH) readership to this special issue of selected papers on health disparities among Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and Native Peoples in Hawai‘i and the Pacific region. Many of these papers were presented at our most recent health disparities conference perennially referred to as “He Huliau ∼ a Turning Point”. The 2012 He Huliau Conference was particularly memorable as our Center for Native and Pacific Health Disparities Research partnered for the first time with the Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP) to jointly share the overall theme of the conference “Advancing Native Health and Wellness.”

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