

June 17, 2005

Testing a culturally appropriate, theory-based intervention to improve colorectal cancer screening among native Hawaiians

Kathryn L. Braun, Dr.P.H., Megan Fang, M.P.H, Momi E. Kaanoi, M.D., Martina L. Kamaka, M.D., and Carolyn C. Gotay, Ph.D.

Prevention Medicine

Background—We tested an intervention based on social learning theory (SLT) to improve colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among Native Hawaiians, a group with low CRC screening rates.

Method—Sixteen Hawaiian civic clubs agreed to randomization. Eight control clubs received a culturally targeted presentation, a free Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT), and a reminder call. Eight experimental clubs also received culturally targeted education and free testing; but, in line with SLT, education was delivered by a Native Hawaiian physician and Native Hawaiian CRC survivor, and members received an FOBT demo, were challenged to involve a family member in screening, and were telephoncd multiple times to address change-related emotions and barriers.

Results—One hundred twenty-one members age 50 and older from 16 clubs participated. At the club level. screening rates were modestly increased in four experimental clubs and six control clubs. Surprisingly, 64% of participants reported being up to date with CRC screening at baseline. Only 13 individuals (five in experimental arm and eight in the control arm) were screened for the first time through this intervention, increasing the percent screened from 59% to 67% in the experimental group and from 69% to 85% in the control group. Although individuals in the experimental arm were more likely to rate the intervention as culturally appropriate, both arms realized similar and significant gains in CRC knowledge, attitudes, intent, and self-efficacy.

Conclusions—For Native Hawaiian individuals belonging to a network or civic clubs, an intervention based on SLT delivered by a Native Hawaiian physician and CRC survivor was less effective at further increasing compliance than was a culturally targeted educational session delivered by a non-Hawaiian nurse. That CRC screening compliance was high prior to our intervention suggests that we targeted a very health conscious segment of the Native Hawaiian population. Future work should focus on underserved segments of this indigenous group.

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